Saturday, September 27, 2014

Been a while...

Sorry I have not posted in a while, but I am still here and alive.  Saw a picture a while back of a man on a suicide prevention hotline, on the Golden Gate bridge. very powerful picture.  Unfortunately i could not find it but ill post when I do. Have not had much going on and not much to talk about other than that, but remember to donate for a cause of depression awareness at or click on the SAVE link.  Always remember if you or someone need help and needs a compassionate person to listen and talk to, Call 1-800-273-8255.  

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Depression of our fallen hero Families.

It came to thought, we always thank our Military servicemen and women, and I still think a lot have given the ultimate sacrifice.  We should also thank the family of those members, because of the support they give their children, especially ones where there children have been killed in action.  They go through so much, that it is so hard to imagine.  My brother went oversea's twice luckily nothing happened to him. But it still puts a lot of stress on the family. You can never, imagine how that family feels, after they hear that news.

If you or a loved one is thinking of suicide or just feeling so depressed they don't know what to do, call
1-800-273-8255 to talk and help you seek help.

You can also go to, just click the link on the right side to donate to help this suicide prevention site going to help save lives!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Good news

Copy And paste for the good news

Monday, June 23, 2014

Bipolar depression.

What is bipolar depression (technically bipolar related depression)?

Bipolar disorder, also known as bipolar effective disordermanic-depressive illness, or effective psychosis, is a mental illness characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression. The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania orhypomania depending on the severity. During mania an individual feels or acts abnormally happy, energetic, or irritable. They often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences. The need for sleep is usually reduced. During periods of depression there may be crying, poor eye contact with others, and a negative outlook on life. The risk of suicide among those with the disorder is high at greater than 6% over 20 years, while self harm occurs in 30-40%. Other mental health issues such as anxiety disorder and drug misuse are commonly associated..

Bipolar related depression are these mostly symptoms of bipolar.Anxiety, as well as drastic mood changes in short time are also symptoms.  

If you or someone you know may have bipolar, seek help immediately to prevent possible harm to you or others. 

Help someone!

Here are some sayings

-Behind a smile, is a world of pain.
-You won't truly know someones pain, unless you are them.
-Someone, somewhere, can help you right now.
-Don't take the most drastic measures, for little problems.
And my favorite one.
*Suicide is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem. 

If you or someone needs help or just needs to talk to someone, click the link on the right to to get a hotline phone number.

You can save your own, or someone else's life today! 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Sorry again for not post for a long time, gotta keep it short and sweet cause of a early shift tomorrow, not complaining about that.  

Anyhow, here is a video for you to watch.  Russia, shortly after the U.S.S.R. collapsed, people decided to run in front of cars injuring themselves and then sue the driver.  Police also got into the corruption so a lot of Russian citizens put dash cams in their cars.  This video shows the good side that we no longer witness everyday (which is sad) and how humanity still exist today.

Monday, May 19, 2014

I was browsing the internet today. I found this page on 15 photos that will leave you speechless.  Me loving photography I took interest.  It has everything from Philippines president just moments before assassinated to the Nazi regime (couple actually) to waves crashing into a lighthouse. #3 is the reason why I posted it here.

Unfortunately This is an other copy and paste url. But the best I can figure out.

Friday, May 9, 2014


Some say money can bring hope or problems.  I always wanted to make just enough to have a good life, not a spoiled one. I made a list why I want to make good money. Here it is.....

Reasons I want to make good money

1-I want to be able to be worry free of my finances.
2-I want to let my kids take what ever sport or class trip they want.
3-I want to be able to have a nice house and car
*now here are the reasons I want extra money
4-I want to be able to adopt a child
5-I want to help another child (not my own) go to school
6-I want to help the homeless find homes and jobs
7-I want to donate to good charities and watch it work
8-I want to help people live the way they want to without handouts
9-I want to see people live a good life
*and most important
10-I want people to see that there is hope and good people in the world!

So, make a list what you would do, and think, is money going to bring me happiness. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

build up some self respect....

Saw this on FB, I thought it was kinda funny and true....

Sorry, you have to copy and paste.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been a while...

Sorry I have not posted in a while, just lots of stuff happening right now, Hope everyone is Okay!  Remember to call if you need help or donate, you can do both at Just click the link on the right side of the screen!

Monday, April 14, 2014

100 Happy days Challenge

Want to take a challenge (only a few moments a day) take the 100 Happy Days Challenge!   simply type in  and fill out some info.  AND BE HAPPY!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

You think you got that promotion... NOPE!

Well, you might get that promotion.  Hard work, dedication and you just have to put your mind to it!  But sometimes, you just can't get your work and personal life separate.  Well something happened and your having a hard time getting over it.  But I have found the best way to stop it.  I once dated someone in my workplace, HUGE MISTAKE! Took alot longer than it should to get over her. But, I put my head down and said "this is work, think of work, joke with other co-workers, get distracted by work!  And it helped! I saw her, looked away.     Shortly after I got my first promotion, I became full time, and my close uncle died.  I cannot believe I did this, I was in mourn, and I went in to work later that day.  HUGE MISTAKE! I was slow and could not keep focus.  I regret going to work that day.  Moral of the Story, If you feel you cannot work (obviously a total respectful, logical, legit excuse and not to many) don't.  Mostly to keep you, and others safe.  Make sure your superiors completely understand don't take advantage of it.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


I have not posted much lately, but here is something to bring a little upbeat.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

How depression can effect your work

We all hate our jobs at times,  Some more than others.  I work in retail, not a glamorous job by any means, my co-workers like each other, and majority of costumers who are not rude to you.   Its a little depressing that you don't get paid much and your raises are based on how well the store or as a company does, not your performance. (unless you really sucked at your job)  The key is to get your dream job.  Something you won't mind doing, and enjoy on some days.  For example, I want to be an entrepreneur.  Own several businesses, but it's a little bit out of my reach.  I decided that my secondary career goal will become a manager and get a good wage.  Only time will tell.

Check out a Great Singer and a personal friend of mine, Jennifer and her new song I Got in Trouble.

And of course DO NOT FORGET to donate to    Just click the link on the right!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

So, For me its kinda late at night (11:00PM here) and one of my friends has always wanted to be singer.  She has an awesome voice.  Why am I talking about this you ask?  Well a few years back she tried out for American Idol, (which I think there crazy cause she is awesome) and she was not selected. So she has a youtube channel that she records her voice on video with on of her friends. She sang songs from people like Adele to Rolling Stones to Issues.  The moral of the story, if you have a dream, pursue it, even if it seems impossible.  Don't give up, Its a dream, so make it come true.

To Hear some of her music, go to this link and listen to some of her amazing talent!

And of course, Don't forget to donate to SAVE to save a life. Just Click the link on the right hand column.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A quote going around on Facebook

A someone decent quote. "People do not die from suicide; they die from sadness."  In some part that is true, but some parts, it is not true.  You literally die from a broken heart (stress-induced cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy aka Broken heart syndrome) can result in death.  The meaning of this quote does not mean this but refers to suicide related death.  Most common cause of sadness (depression), anger, or clinical depression, believing you have no other choice, which is never true.  When someone commits suicide others blame one other person (an ex boyfriend or girlfriend) but sometimes that could not be the case.  All I can say is there always is a solution to the problem.  Ending your own life is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.  Just remember that.  Temporary, only for a little bit. Permanent is forever. 

If you or know someone who is talking or considering about suicide, call 1-800-273-8255 to SAVE a life today.  Visit and click on the link on the right to make a donation to SAVE(Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) to save a life today. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Stress releif

My stress relief tonight after hearing bad news from work, pizza and the movie ted. Less stress equals less depression.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just Because...

I have not much to say, but I'm just waiting for inspiration to hit on this cold 4 degree F day, so just a reminder to donate to SAVE to save a life from suicide.  This go for the suicide prevention Hotline.  Just click on the link on the right side of the screen and call 1-800-273-8255 if your in a crisis.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A little bit personal note...

Everyone has depressive thoughts, unfortunately mine involve yelling at others for minor stupid things.  Mostly because I have a bad day or I just want peace a quiet.  But sometimes you just have to plug in you headphones and play your favorite music, or watch a funny t.v. show.  My downfall is when I go on Facebook, when I see couples or post about being a couple (the memes), I'm happy for them but do feel jealous. I just have to remember that I will find the one sooner or later.  I just have to think happy thoughts.  Remember, you sense something wrong about you, find someone to talk to, or if someone needs to talk, be a good listener, and open your ears.  Sometimes, people just need someone to talk to so they know that they are still here for a reason.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


So, I had a conversation with a co-worker today. Th subject got to how I personally knew (Friends) that committed suicide.  He says "I think its a selfish move" I paused and thought for a moment.  He is right, Its is a selfish thing to do. You don't end a problem, you create more.  Someone has to pay for the funeral, if in school, you have they have to explain that a student has died.  And worst of all, grief of family and friends, who may never recover.  I can understand that you may not want to tell anyone, but there are people, who don't even know you that want to help!  You can talk to a school councilor, some work places have hotlines, and if you think of just ending it, there are people for that too!  For example, SAVE, a website you can get info and a phone number to call.  All these are great ways if you feel uncomfortable talking to someone you know just do one of these. SO, remember that there is a solution, and suicide is NEVER the answer.

Go to or call 1-800-273-8255

If you would like to Donate to SAVE here is a link, Copy and paste if you cannot click.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Don't forget to SAVE a life from suicide go to...

Child abuse and Depression

So if you against child abuse, good for u, for it, u might want to look at you choices.  Anyways, if an child is abused before 5, the child can have psychological issues, this abuse can lead up from sexual, physical and verbal.  Cortisol, or the stress hormone, is was regulate stress levels, but when the system is chronically overloads it can lead from highs or can plummet to low levels, which in turn harm the developmental health of a child.

Children only before 5 that where abused and depressed had a atypical flattening cortisol production during the day and if the child was abused and not depressed the cortisol started high and slowly declined throughout the day.  That means that the child has been conditioned in there life to adapt to the abuse, and usually ends up with a atypical type of depression.

Moreover, because it’s harder for very young children to discern the clues predicting an abusive attack, they may be chronically stressed and overly vigilant, even when they’re not being abused.

This means (my personal opinion) that people who have anxiety issues and depressive or suicidal thoughts have been abused.  Some people who where abused as a child that has crime related problems is usually drugs or burglary for drugs or alcohol. So in simple terms, if the child is abused they may have a large chance that they have mental problems when they grow older. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stress and how to relive it

I have a stressful underpaid job, i love the people I work with, but the people we serve sometimes don't make our jobs easier, neither do the managers, but all managers don't make a job easier lol jk.  We vent it out a lot in the back room when we can, obviously when it is a good time too. I usually try to punch a punching bag or go Target practice when I can.  Sometimes I go on longer drives home and blare music to help forget how stressful my day was.  The reason for me posting this is if you don't relieve the stress it can either lead to anger, sadness, and of course depression.  If you have a stressful job, do some exercising, to playing games, or even petting your beloved pet. Some times my friends deal with me and let me just spew all my problems to them just to get it off my chest, and I would do the same for them.  I found out a great way to relieve stress is just to go to a friends house, play some games, get a bite to eat, and have a beer (not excessively of course), and have fun.  But every one is different, so find something to do that you enjoy and forget about your stresses.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

More info

For more info and Anxiety and Depression go to this link, lots of info.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Have thoughts of just ending it, or just ending a temporary problem with a permanate solution? Call

Depression Awareness!

Welcome to Depression Awareness Blog, National Mental Illness Week is the First FULL week of October which includes depression.
-Facts about Depression
*An estimated 9.2 million Americans have major clinical depression
*two-thirds of people which depression do not seek help
*80% of people who seek treatment, there lives do improve
*Women experience depression twice as much as men. (1 in 8 of men are effect, so 1 in 4 women are too)
*According to the CDC suicide was the 9th leading cause in the U.S.

 Now you may have facts but you might be wondering, What is Depression exactly?

Depression Is a whole body illness that affects a person physical health as well as how he/she feels, thinks, and behaves towards others. In addition, a person who suffers from this disorder may have problems eating, sleeping, working, and getting along with friends/family.

Specifically, clinical depression is a persistent, depressed mood that is often characterized by feelings of sadness or emptiness. People who have depression, or formally, major depressive disorder, experience at least five symptoms, nearly every day for about two weeks at a time. 


-Sad, low, emtey depressed mood
-loss of interest of pleasure in nearly all activities
-feelings of worthlessness or guilt
-difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
-changes in appetite and/or weight
-oversleeping, early morning awakening or insomnia
-thoughts of death, suicide, plans or attempts.
                          *From University of Washington St. Louis