Monday, April 28, 2014

build up some self respect....

Saw this on FB, I thought it was kinda funny and true....

Sorry, you have to copy and paste.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Been a while...

Sorry I have not posted in a while, just lots of stuff happening right now, Hope everyone is Okay!  Remember to call if you need help or donate, you can do both at Just click the link on the right side of the screen!

Monday, April 14, 2014

100 Happy days Challenge

Want to take a challenge (only a few moments a day) take the 100 Happy Days Challenge!   simply type in  and fill out some info.  AND BE HAPPY!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

You think you got that promotion... NOPE!

Well, you might get that promotion.  Hard work, dedication and you just have to put your mind to it!  But sometimes, you just can't get your work and personal life separate.  Well something happened and your having a hard time getting over it.  But I have found the best way to stop it.  I once dated someone in my workplace, HUGE MISTAKE! Took alot longer than it should to get over her. But, I put my head down and said "this is work, think of work, joke with other co-workers, get distracted by work!  And it helped! I saw her, looked away.     Shortly after I got my first promotion, I became full time, and my close uncle died.  I cannot believe I did this, I was in mourn, and I went in to work later that day.  HUGE MISTAKE! I was slow and could not keep focus.  I regret going to work that day.  Moral of the Story, If you feel you cannot work (obviously a total respectful, logical, legit excuse and not to many) don't.  Mostly to keep you, and others safe.  Make sure your superiors completely understand don't take advantage of it.