Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Stress and how to relive it

I have a stressful underpaid job, i love the people I work with, but the people we serve sometimes don't make our jobs easier, neither do the managers, but all managers don't make a job easier lol jk.  We vent it out a lot in the back room when we can, obviously when it is a good time too. I usually try to punch a punching bag or go Target practice when I can.  Sometimes I go on longer drives home and blare music to help forget how stressful my day was.  The reason for me posting this is if you don't relieve the stress it can either lead to anger, sadness, and of course depression.  If you have a stressful job, do some exercising, to playing games, or even petting your beloved pet. Some times my friends deal with me and let me just spew all my problems to them just to get it off my chest, and I would do the same for them.  I found out a great way to relieve stress is just to go to a friends house, play some games, get a bite to eat, and have a beer (not excessively of course), and have fun.  But every one is different, so find something to do that you enjoy and forget about your stresses.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

More info

For more info and Anxiety and Depression go to this link, lots of info.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Have thoughts of just ending it, or just ending a temporary problem with a permanate solution? Call

Depression Awareness!

Welcome to Depression Awareness Blog, National Mental Illness Week is the First FULL week of October which includes depression.
-Facts about Depression
*An estimated 9.2 million Americans have major clinical depression
*two-thirds of people which depression do not seek help
*80% of people who seek treatment, there lives do improve
*Women experience depression twice as much as men. (1 in 8 of men are effect, so 1 in 4 women are too)
*According to the CDC suicide was the 9th leading cause in the U.S.

 Now you may have facts but you might be wondering, What is Depression exactly?

Depression Is a whole body illness that affects a person physical health as well as how he/she feels, thinks, and behaves towards others. In addition, a person who suffers from this disorder may have problems eating, sleeping, working, and getting along with friends/family.

Specifically, clinical depression is a persistent, depressed mood that is often characterized by feelings of sadness or emptiness. People who have depression, or formally, major depressive disorder, experience at least five symptoms, nearly every day for about two weeks at a time. 


-Sad, low, emtey depressed mood
-loss of interest of pleasure in nearly all activities
-feelings of worthlessness or guilt
-difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
-changes in appetite and/or weight
-oversleeping, early morning awakening or insomnia
-thoughts of death, suicide, plans or attempts.
                          *From University of Washington St. Louis