Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just Because...

I have not much to say, but I'm just waiting for inspiration to hit on this cold 4 degree F day, so just a reminder to donate to SAVE to save a life from suicide.  This go for the suicide prevention Hotline.  Just click on the link on the right side of the screen and call 1-800-273-8255 if your in a crisis.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

A little bit personal note...

Everyone has depressive thoughts, unfortunately mine involve yelling at others for minor stupid things.  Mostly because I have a bad day or I just want peace a quiet.  But sometimes you just have to plug in you headphones and play your favorite music, or watch a funny t.v. show.  My downfall is when I go on Facebook, when I see couples or post about being a couple (the memes), I'm happy for them but do feel jealous. I just have to remember that I will find the one sooner or later.  I just have to think happy thoughts.  Remember, you sense something wrong about you, find someone to talk to, or if someone needs to talk, be a good listener, and open your ears.  Sometimes, people just need someone to talk to so they know that they are still here for a reason.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


So, I had a conversation with a co-worker today. Th subject got to how I personally knew (Friends) that committed suicide.  He says "I think its a selfish move" I paused and thought for a moment.  He is right, Its is a selfish thing to do. You don't end a problem, you create more.  Someone has to pay for the funeral, if in school, you have they have to explain that a student has died.  And worst of all, grief of family and friends, who may never recover.  I can understand that you may not want to tell anyone, but there are people, who don't even know you that want to help!  You can talk to a school councilor, some work places have hotlines, and if you think of just ending it, there are people for that too!  For example, SAVE, a website you can get info and a phone number to call.  All these are great ways if you feel uncomfortable talking to someone you know just do one of these. SO, remember that there is a solution, and suicide is NEVER the answer.

Go to or call 1-800-273-8255

If you would like to Donate to SAVE here is a link, Copy and paste if you cannot click.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Don't forget to SAVE a life from suicide go to...

Child abuse and Depression

So if you against child abuse, good for u, for it, u might want to look at you choices.  Anyways, if an child is abused before 5, the child can have psychological issues, this abuse can lead up from sexual, physical and verbal.  Cortisol, or the stress hormone, is was regulate stress levels, but when the system is chronically overloads it can lead from highs or can plummet to low levels, which in turn harm the developmental health of a child.

Children only before 5 that where abused and depressed had a atypical flattening cortisol production during the day and if the child was abused and not depressed the cortisol started high and slowly declined throughout the day.  That means that the child has been conditioned in there life to adapt to the abuse, and usually ends up with a atypical type of depression.

Moreover, because it’s harder for very young children to discern the clues predicting an abusive attack, they may be chronically stressed and overly vigilant, even when they’re not being abused.

This means (my personal opinion) that people who have anxiety issues and depressive or suicidal thoughts have been abused.  Some people who where abused as a child that has crime related problems is usually drugs or burglary for drugs or alcohol. So in simple terms, if the child is abused they may have a large chance that they have mental problems when they grow older.